Tuesday, November 09, 2004

my thoughts on the election

now for my thoughts on the actual election. i think it's pathetic that george bush won by such a small margin but at least he theoretically won it fair and square this time. well actually i'm not so sure that he did, because i've heard of tons of problems across the country of things that happened that nobody is publicizing but i feel that if we can't get him out of office by protesting i mean we saw how well that worked last time. so now that he's there we just have to deal with it, right? right. but the other thing that really annoyed me about this election is that the stupid man, who i refuse to adcept is from texas but since that's what he claims let's take a look at that, well he only got 55% of the vote in houston... or it might have been less than that but he won houston, which considering it's part of his "home base" as the largest city in texas and his theoretical hometown is pretty pathetic. hell kerry got 78% of the votes in boston. that's pretty lame when you can't even get your so called hometown to vote for you. but even more than that, he was actually born in new haven where he got only 18% of the vote. that's even more pathetic. or at least i believe these are true judging by cnn.com's results, if i'm reading them right. also, it bothers me that i know that there was bad campaigning and that there were people turned away from polls in such a manner that you could believe it was rigged. but i also think that that is a useless fight and we've got to find another way to battle the republicans now. but i don't really dislike republicans, it's really just the fanatical christian right-wing that bothers me. ah well. i'll go on about this later.


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