Tuesday, November 09, 2004

what's with all the apologies?

maybe it's just me but why does everyone feel the need to apologize for the election? all these websites and all of the stupid things i keep hearing about everyone being sorry that bush was elected is really just getting to me. for god's sake people, no matter what we say he is still the president and he's still going to be here for four more years. why not stop apologizing about something we don't have control over and instead try and do something to salvage the values we think are important that are totally being ignored and/or eradicated in this god-forsaken country? yes perhaps i'm not quite sure of what to do yet but bitching and moaning and being depressed sure as hell aren't getting us anywhere with anyone anytime soon, other than us being annoyed at the state of our own government that we currently can't change. did we not learn anything from the last election that just talking about it is not going to get us anywhere? come on now people. ugh.
i mean i'm not happy about the election results either but there there and we can't change them, so why not move on and think about what we can do instead of apologizing for what we have no control over?!


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