Tuesday, August 10, 2004

whoa conservative

sweet mother of christ [pardon my swearing, i'm just a little bit shocked] there is the craziest conservative forum that i've found. and while ron reagan isn't exactly like his father, he's no flaming liberal either and they've chosen to roast him alive. it's a little frightening.


oh my god i take it back. it is more than just a little bit frightening it's like reading the scariest backwards christian fanatacism that appears to think that it's politics. i mean really for people to be able to talk about kerry and clinton the way they do. man oh man. but then again i guess the same would be said for me and the stuff i say about bush. but at the same time i think i give credit where credit is due, i mean i thought g.h. bush was an asshole but at least he was intelligent. and i could disagree with what he was doing but i didn't think he was a moron. same goes for ronald reagan. just because i don't like them doesn't mean i think all republicans are morons. on the other hand dubya is an exception. he is a prize jackass. and i would like to defend those people who are trying to roast kerry and clinton. also here's a snippet from there:

Kerry Fit To Lead? (Zot in waiting - Vanity)
Posted by Core_Conservative
On 08/10/2004 10:12:32 AM PDT ยท 71 replies

n/a ^ | 08/10/04 | Lyle Koch
This may get me flamed big time here at FR, but I think that all the talk about Kerry not FIT to be President is wrong.My reasoning behind this is that every person who is American Born (A US Citizen and US Born) should have the opportunity to become President. That said, I think Kerry is a piece of garbage and should never become President of the US, but if he is FAIRLY elected, then we will suffer through, just like we did for 8 years of President Clinton (God I hate having to capitalize that traitors name - but...

now perhaps you may not want kerry elected but i would like to note that george w. bush was not fairly elected. that was a complete and total hoax. so i think that those rightwing nutjobs need to start remembering this before shooting off their mouths. ugh.


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