Tuesday, August 10, 2004

kerry vs. bush

wow. this little blog of mine seems to be rather politically oriented.

anyways. i think it's absolutely fabulous that there are a bunch of musicians who are willing to go on tour the month before the elections to the swing state to play for kerry. all by their little selves just 'cause they don't care for the government. and you know it is one thing to have michael moore dis you. it's totally something else to have ron reagan, esq. to basically say the same thing, only more eloquently. also, the dixie chicks will always be my most favourite country band simply because they have all the right political leanings. or well they have my political leanings and that's pretty much what i care about.

i am glad to know that there are some sane people in this country and just maybe "the times they are a changin'".


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