Wednesday, August 04, 2004

blog blog blog

ok yeah i just like the word "blog" currently. it's amazing how you never realize just how much you use an item until you can't. that's what happened at work this week. last friday i left and the office was quiet and normal and everything was just like any other day at the office. but monday morning our phones were mostly out, the lines were crossing over and we couldn't figure out what's going on. in an office of 4 people, i'd say that's pretty impressive. none of us could really understand what's happening and unfortunately me being the secretary i was affected the most. my boss and warren ended up being out most of monday and tuesday and well john is still out today so he's not all too concerned about this. and actually i'd say linda got it pretty bad too because half the calls we get are for her and her phone was completely out. i mean at least mine still sortof worked, even if the lines were crossing and you could barely hear. i never thought having a phone was this important until now. thankfully they are working again and all has resumed normalcy. whoa i'm tired all of a sudden. if only i could leave early and still get paid, now that would be somethin'.


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