Wednesday, February 06, 2008


ok so seriously do we have to be in a deadlock like all the time? i mean that's just not fair. also i'd like to mention that if you look at the places that obama is winning over hillary it's the more conservative part of the country like idaho, illinois, alabama, georgia. i know everyone was saying that oh those places are racist they'll never vote for a black man, but i'd like to point out that while they may be racist they're also sexist. and let me tell you they'll vote for a black man over a white woman or well any woman any day. see i'm not crazy, i'm not a conspiracy theorist i just happen to live in a man's world. i've always been a science geek and not just science but the boy kinda sciences like physics and comp sci, you learn a lot more about sexism playing with the boys than you do anywhere else. and it's not blatant sexism. i don't even think they mean it sometimes. it's just that if you asked them to choose who could do the job they wouldn't even consider any of the women in the dept because they wouldn't think of them. it's almost worse than discriminating because she's a woman it's not even acknowledging their presence. and it happens all the time. so yeah i'm rooting for hillary. obviously i could be wrong, i mean i don't know the demographics of who voted for whom just yet. and hopefully this crazy deadlock of super tuesday will wear off and we'll actually have a clear winner soon. at least i'd hope so.


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